Monday, 9 March 2015

Horizon - Project 2, the development

An all encompassing sense of calm…. dad slipped away on Valentines Day, very apt. Its very interesting how I'm now channelling these feelings into Project II. An extension from my first on The Fens, space, vastness and magnificence, I am compelled to strip my paintings down to complete simplicity, 'Horizon'. It is, what it is. 

The important component is the colour of the 'Horizon' turquoise, dads trademark glaze colour. I need to get this right, it needs to convey what Im feeling. 
Experimentation of colour and technique on 11 small MDF boards, mark making, drips, brush strokes all key. I will choose 1 but will use some of the other ideas generated and integrate into my future work.

Decision made….. now to translate this onto canvas. The floating horizon in turquoise, a delicate titanium white line touching the frame on each vertical edge overlaid on a 'Rothkoesk' violet / blue backdrop. Ha! well best get to it!!!!

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