Thursday, 23 April 2015

Who said artists don't work hard???

Project III

Ceramic Installation - Horizon III

Well I have to say this project is much more than exhausting, my head is about to explode with the million different process steps that need to be considered. The final piece will involve me working through the multiple processes to synergise the shape, texture, size, colour of the glaze and how to install the piece once complete.

Test pieces
Glazing of test pieces ready for firing

I have a new found respect for all ceramicists, the journey of a finished ceramic piece can only be described as a minefield. Detailed documentation of every step, what clay you use, the type of slip, temperatures for the biscuit firing. Then its the glaze, multiple layers of glaze to attain the finish required, applying wax to certain areas before applying a different glaze to ensure a clean delineation between colours. The temperature reached during firing is critical, the colour of the glaze can vary if the temperature of the kilns is slightly off. So its all in the preparation, document the variables and then once all the test pieces emerge from firing a decision can be made on the how to execute the final piece. Process, process, process ………

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